Allotment Association Annual Report – May 2022

A Continued Growing Success!

The allotments continue to provide a wonderful resource for the village. Not only do allotmenteers provide food for the table – increasingly important in a period of increasing costs of fresh food – we also get exercise and companionship. There continues to be a constant flow of villagers – with or without dogs – passing by and sharing greetings or further chats.

The last year has been one of consolidation. Last year’s Parish Council grant of £1000 went towards the £1155.26 cost of laying the (now invisible) grass reinforcement across to the site from the car park and around the accessible plots. This ensures easy vehicle access in all weathers. Putting in the piped water replaced the need to fill the ibc tanks by hosepipe from the Rec Building. The water is metered separately which allows the rec committee to bill us accurately for any water used. We now have a ready supply of water to cater for another possible year of low rainfall.

Three plots became vacant during the year with people giving up their plots or moving away from the village. The vacant plots have been taken over by other plot holders and we run a waiting list. There are five ‘full size’ plots (10m x 10m), 10 half- size plots, 3 quarter size including one comprising raised beds. People grow a wide range of produce – vegetables and fruit – and flowers. And there is a healthy exchange of ideas and support as well as sharing plants between allotment holders.

We are grateful for much needed financial support in the past year from the Parish Council and individuals as well as support and encouragement from very many other individuals and the Recreation Field Management Committee. It is great to see that, from the greenfield site only three years ago, the development of the allotments for the village has been made possible by the support of the Parish Council and many other people who have put a lot of hard work into it.

We look forward to the next phase of development which will provide tool and equipment storage (as well as shelter to escape to in any event of rain!) and a small area of seating to act as both for social events and for plot holders to rest their weary limbs after all their cultivating. This will be paid for by the successful grant application to the Halecombe Quarry Fund and the continued support of the Parish Council with their £800 grant. The Allotment Association is run by a small committee and each allotment holder holds membership of the National Allotment Society.

In the Leigh On Mendip Allotment Association a guiding principle is to conserve resources. A specific example being water so we are all committed to preserving water from water butts and any storage unit we erect. We also compost whenever possible. In addition we are committed to give back to the community  and encourage gardening and vegetable growing – it is amazing what you can grow in a pot!

The plans we are now able to put into place are: an accessible pathway to the allotments; digging a channel to take water underground to the allotments; building the accessible plots; erecting the fencing around the allotment area; planting hedging.

It is great when folk stop to talk to allotment holders and connect with new people.  A lot of positive comments have been received about the allotments – folk have even walked away from a chat with produce!  Some of our vegetables were provided to the Harvest Festival. We are grateful that we have been allowed to provide this resource to the community.

Contact: Tim Spurgeon email or ring 07813 505830 or 01373813027

The allotments are next to the Recreation Field and Open Space