Note about Enforcement Issues from Somerset Council
How to Report Queries Regarding Planning
Should you wish to receive in writing from the Planning Service either that no enforcement action will be taken following an investigation or that an enforcement notice will be withdrawn, this can be confirmed by a letter for a fee of £100.
Under the General Data Protection Regulations, the Council has a duty to protect the privacy of the person who is the subject of the complaint as we do for the person reporting the complaint. Therefore, we are no longer able to provide you with any updates or information about the matter during the course of our investigation. Such information is also likely to be exempt from release under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You will be provided with a summary of our findings once the investigation has been concluded.
2023/0211/FUL Creation of access and associated track. Grove Shute Farm, Towns End Lane, Leigh on Mendip. Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended approval with the comments stating that hedging would be preferable instead of fencing and to consider the historic field pattern.
2022/2363/FUL Erection of 1no 2bed bungalow. 11 Park Hayes, Leigh on Mendip. Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended the decision be left to the Planning Officer.
2022/2289/HSE Erectionof integral garage and relocation of front door and bedroom. Raglan, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip. Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended that the decision is left to the Planning Officer. Mendip District Council granted approval.
2022/1855/REM Application of reserved matters following outline planning consent 2022/1019/OUT for the erection of a single dwelling and associated access. Matters of access/appearance/landscaping/layout/scale to be determined. Land at 368840 147202 Park Hayes, Leigh on Mendip
2022/1669/HSE Erection of 2 rear dormers, creation of ensuite and relocation of external door and internal stairs. 1-2 Perrys Cottages, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip. Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended approval. Mendip District Council granted approval.
2022/1609/FUL Erection of 1no. three bed, two storey detached dwelling on land previously permitted for stables. Land at 38034 146946 Town End Lane, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended refusal. Mendip District Council refused the application
2022/1603/FUL Erection of 3no. dwelling houses. Land South of Apple Meadow View, Park Hayes, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended refusal. Mendip Distict Council granted approval
2022/1594/HSE Erection of greenhouse and potting shed. The Old Vicarage, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended approval. Mendip District Council granted approval
2022/1279/FUL Change of use from agricultural to recreation and installation of play equipment, fitness equipment, seating, trees and other planting. Recreation Field, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended approval. Mendip District Council granted approval
2022/1230/APP Approval of details by condition 3 on planning consent 2022/0299/LBC (Fire Risk Assessment Works to include the installation of a fire door to the first floor corridor, replace the existing window within Bedroom 1 with a new window, reinstate a gate within beer garden, adapt existing doors to form a new escape route through a store room and onto the main road and installation of a fire door and an existing aperture blocked up to give 30 minute fires resistance). Bell Inn, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip Update The Parish Council had no issue with the application though they had not been consulted. Mendip District Council granted approval.
2022/1019/OUT Application for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved for 1no. detached bungalow. Land South of 6 Park Hayes, Leigh on Mendip. Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended the decision was left to the Planning Officer. Mendip District Council granted approval
2022/1007/FUL Demolition of existing barn and erection of holiday let. Annexe, Long Cottage, Tadhill Lane, Stoke St Michael Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended the application be refused, this was brought back with amended plans and the Parish Council recommended approval
2022/0954/HSE Conversion and extension of existing garage to form 1 bed annexe. White House, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended approval. Mendip District Council granted approval
2022/0939/CLE Application for a certificate of lawful existing development for use as residential dwelling. Waterfall Cottage, Whitehole Farm, Whitehole Hill, Leigh on Mendip Update Mendip District Council stated the application is lawful
2022/0938/CLE Application for a certificate of lawful existing development for use as residential dwelling. Tufa Cottage, Whitehole Farm, Whitehole Hill, Leigh on Mendip Update Mendip District Council stated the application is lawful
2022/0937/CLE Application for a certificate of lawful existing development for use as residential dwelling. Apple Tree Cottage, Whitehole Farm, Whitehole Hill, Leigh on Mendip Update Mendip District Council stated the application is lawful
2022/0936/CLE Application for a certificate of lawful existing development for use as residential dwelling. Oak Tree Cottage, Whitehole Farm, Whitehole Hill, Leigh on Mendip Update Mendip District Council stated the application is lawful
2022/0855/HSE Erection of fencing on West Boundary. 6 Park Haynes, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended refusal. Mendip District Council granted permission
2022/0778/APP Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4 (lighting and bats), 5 (construction ecological management plan), 6 (landscape and ecological management plan) and 10 (construction management plan) on planning consent 2021/2649/FUL. 1 Apple Meadow View, Park Hayes, Leigh on Mendip. Update The Parish Council was not formally consulted but a response was submitted. Mendip District Council approved the application
2022/0299/LBC Fire Risk Assessment works to include the installation of a fire door to the first-floor corridor, replace the existing window within bedroom 1 with a new window, reinstate a gate within beer garden, adapt existing doors to form a new escape route through a store room and onto the main road and installation of a fire door and an existing aperture blocked up to give 30 minutes fire resistance. Bell Inn, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended approval as the proposals did not impact on the historic fabric, were low key alterations and would not have any significant impact on the neighbouring properties. Mendip District Council granted approval
2022/0298/FUL Fire Risk Assessment works to include the installation of a fire door to the first-floor corridor, replace the existing window within bedroom 1 with a new window, reinstate a gate within beer garden, adapt existing doors to form a new escape route through a store room and onto the main road and installation of a fire door and an existing aperture blocked up to give 30 minutes fire resistance. Bell Inn, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended approval as the proposals did not impact on the historic fabric, were low key alterations and would not have any significant impact on the neighbouring properties.
2022/0172/APP Approval of details reserved by conditions 4 (ducts, pipes, rainwater goods) 5 (bats) 6 (lighting design) 7 (Habitat bat roost type 001) 9 (Provision for nesting swallows) and 11 (Hard and soft landscape scheme) on planning consent 2017/2726/FUL. Knaphill Farm, Knapp Hill, Leigh on Mendip Update Mendip District Council granted approval
2022/0170/HSE Erection of a single storey side extension, porch to front entrance, Juliet balcony to east elevation and conversion of garage/store with roof alterations. Ben My Chree, Blackers Lane, Leigh on Mendip. Update Leigh on Mendip recommended approval, Mendip District Council granted approval
2022/0118/HSE Removal of 8ft hedgerow and erection of new 2 metre fence panels and gate (retrospective) Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended approval as it would not have any significant impact on the neighbouring properties. Mendip District Council granted approval
2022/0778/APP Application for removal of details reserved by conditions 4 (lighting and bats), 5 (construction ecological management plant), 6 (landscape and ecological management plan) and 10 (construction management plan) on planning consent 2021/2649/FUL. 1 Apple Meadow View, Park Hayes, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh On Mendip Parish Council had not been consulted but submitted some conditions to be taken into account. Mendip District Council confirmed the acceptability of the details submitted.
2022/0053/OTS Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved for the erection of 3 no. dwellings with details of access. Corner Cottage, Quarry Lane, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended refusal on the grounds of the principle of development in this location, mineral safeguarding and highways safety. Mendip District Council granted approval
2022/0035/FUL Erection of 2no holiday let cabins and associated parking. Grove Shute Farm, Towns End Lane, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended refusal. Mendip District Council granted approval
2021/2649/FUL Erection of 3no. single storey three-bedroom dwelling houses. Land South of Apple Meadow, View Park Hayes, Leigh on Mendip. Update Further comments were sent by the Parish Council concerning access. Mendip District Council granted approval
2021/2403/FUL Conversion of barn into holiday let. Land at 368121 146641 Tadhill Lane, Stoke St Michael. Update Additional comments were forwarded from the Parish Council. Mendip District Council granted approval
2021/ 2284/LBC Repairs to single storey lean-to kitchen extension roof to include replacement of tiles. Cottage Garden, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip Update Leigh on Mendip Parish Council recommended approval but with a condition concerning tiles. Mendip District Council granted approval.
2020/1877/OTS Application for outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved (access considered) for the erection of up to 40 dwellings and provision of school playing field and car park. Land at 369293 147420 Quarry Lane, Leigh on Mendip Update On 27th April 2021 Mendip District Council refused the application, an appeal was lodged in October 2021, the proposed layout and number of properties has been amended. The Parish Council are still awaiting confirmation of dates for the hearing but have engaged a planning consultant. The Memorial Hall has been offered as a venue for the hearing. A meeting was organised with the planning consultant on 25th February, reports are now in the process of being written to present to the appeal board once dates have been published. 10th June a letter was received saying the appeal will be examined at an informal hearing – date, time and venue are still to be decided. If you wish to made comments or modify/withdraw your previous representation you can do so online at, the deadline is 12th July 2022. The appeal hearing took place on 4th October 2022 over two days. The decision was issued on 2nd November and the appeal was dismissed.
Enforcement Issues
ENF/2021/0259 Potential Breach of Planning Regulations – Construction of Holiday lets in disused quarry, Whitehole Hill, Leigh on Mendip. A case has been opened, no further details as yet.
2021/2649/FUL Land to the South of Apple Meadow View. An enforcement request was lodged with Mendip District Council on 23rd December 2021, no number has yet been issued by the Enforcement Team. Chased again 7th March 2022. An email was received from the Enforcement Department saying they were unable to find the original emails and have no record of a case being opened, the request has been resubmitted.
2021/2121/FUL Creation of external storage area with erection of shed and installation of two shipping containers (Retention of works already started). Land at 370558 147315 Quarry Lane to Somers Hill, Leigh on Mendip Update No decision has yet been made from Mendip District Council. The site was visited by an Enforcement Officer and the Planning Case Officer on 9th February. The applicant has agreed to amend his planning application to indicate a blue line around the area. With regards to enforcement, there have been no protected trees affected by the works currently undertaken and the site does not sit within a conservation area. As such, there are no grounds on which the Council can take enforcement action in relation to any of the tree works that have been undertaken. Following the February meeting another letter was sent to the enforcement department containing queries about drainage, ownership and footpaths.