LOMCA, including the Active Living Centre, ALC

The Active Living Centre (ALC) meetings are open to anyone over 50 years of age, together with any carers attending with them. We are currently holding the meetings in the old skittle alley area at the Bell Inn.

For more information, or for bookings, please ring Graham on 07561 347891 or e-mail: graham@grahamcroft.plus.com

LOMCA – July 2024
The next meeting of the Active Living Centre is in the Bell Inn at 10.30am on Monday 22 July when Pauline West will lead a quiz. Please book well in advance, and by 14th July at the latest, so that we can arrange the lunch. The cost paid on the day is £5.00 for attending the event and the two-course lunch. For booking, or for further details, please contact Graham.